Binary Thinking In Betting
Absolutely in any sphere of life, a person must make certain decisions, choosing from several options. This is completely normal because freedom of action and thinking has never harmed anyone. This should be especially noted for betting or casinos. In the second case, the tendency to choose simple categories allows you to master roulette and make money on it. As you know, this game is not considered the most profitable in terms of increasing profits, but it is suitable as an example of binary thinking. Black or red is a typical decision for gamblers.
Accordingly, it can be assumed that in theory some things can be significantly simplified. It’s easy to think that you just have to choose black or red. This will allow you to succeed. But everything is very ambiguous. Because any decision should be accompanied by clarification of the situation, and not random preferences. Therefore, binary thinking is the division of available information into two opposite options. To understand the whole point, let’s take a simple example. Better find a match where there is a clear favorite and an outsider. It is clear that there can be no doubts in this case, but the pros are thinking about whether to make a bet with a handicap on a weak team. The coefficient on the favorite is meager, therefore, according to binary thinking, the better decision to switch his attention to a more worthy option for betting. Accordingly, the choice is between profit and common sense. But usually, everyone tends to increase the size of the bet, preferring to make a prediction on the favorite.
What About Betting?

As already noted, binary thinking forces us to divide information into only two specific categories, if this is, of course, permissible. It seems to beginners and inexperienced bettors that a good bet can be considered the one that has the greatest chance of winning, even without taking into account the low odds. Accordingly, bad, which has a low percentage of entries. These nuances are easy to understand even for ordinary people who are far from betting because a similar distribution occurs in life.
However, for obvious reasons, this view is completely wrong. There are especially many examples just from betting.
As an example, faith in agreements and draws. In the first case, any option can be thrown into a landfill and binary thinking will not help. In the second, the assumptions are divided into two categories: teams are so weak or strong that they cannot win and the match ends in a draw. Where is the binary here? It’s simple, a draw is not only not a victory for one of the teams, but also not a defeat.

So what is the ideal bet? If you think from a professional point of view, you will need to discard all biases and draw a line between victory and defeat. The absence of various prejudices and beliefs in a miracle, combined with an excellent strategy is the main assistance in making an excellent bet. Often betters operate with percentages, and on the one hand, this is very correct. If the player’s analysis is more accurate than the provided analytics of the betting company, then in the future it will be the pros who will earn money by constantly gaining pluses. Is it possible to do this? Of course, yes, but attention and effort should be applied to the maximum, because in the case of a single bettor, only he thinks, and in betting companies, many specialists, experienced and with the necessary skills, are responsible for the process.